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M Smart is a workshop to train young brains to think holistically. This workshop aims at imparting spontaneity and confidence in managing their curricular and extracurricular tasks. The students are equipped with a variety of tools like mind mapping to organize and memory techniques recollect the information playfully.

M-Smart  A smart way forward





Learning math means learning to think, quick methods of calculations by using some of the Vedic math methods, abstract thinking is activated. Creativity with numbers, words, images and visual logic flash cards are a few activities that help them use both sides of the brain. Lots of fun filled exercises for enhancing visual memory, observation skills, and fine mortar skills. 


Students have discussions about real life situations to understand analyzing reasoning and step by step method of decision making. They learn to set goals and work towards achieving it confidently prepared face the challenges. Workshop is designed for small groups of students between 12yrs and 18yrs conducted in a friendly environment.




Kindle is a workshop to train young students between 8yrs to 12 yrs. This workshop focus on making the little ones come out of their shell and explore the possibilities and more importantly become more independent in making decisions with   confidence and manage their surroundings.



As modern society is becoming more complex, information is readily available and to change more rapidly prompts to rethink, switch directions, and strategies solving problems. It is important to prompt Critical/Reflective thinking in pre ​- teens  to support them in their transition between childhood and adulthood. During this time period adolescents experience major changes in intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development. They begin to shape their own thought processes and are at an ideal time to begin developing thinking, learning strategies. This skill set will help them deal with everyday situations with greater ease and responsibility.


Workshop is loaded with fun activities which keeps them on the thinking edge with exposure to subjects like global knowledge, sensitive to others , respectful to nature, independent decision making skills.




Kindle aims at introducing children to critical / reflective thinking through a variety of activities that integrate right and left brain abilities
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