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Living Passionately

All that starts will finish. All that is born must die. All of creation comes with an expiry date. That is the law and we all know it. Yet, for some strange reason, man lives as if he is eternal. Maybe, it is because we’re unaware of our own expiry date. Due to which most often we take ourselves and our relationships for granted. We design such hectic work schedules, that we postpone expressing our love and concern to our dearly beloved ones. Sometimes, we even miss out on small pleasures of thanking anyone who carried out some good for us. Not that we don’t want to, but we live in the illusion that it can be done later sometime.

But here’s something we could ask ourselves. What do I want from this life? Am I here only to make a career, earn good money, and gain fame and popularity? Or is there more to the quality of one’s life and the purpose of their existence? Maybe a life that others may draw inspiration from? Are there certain traits I may be struggling with? Whether its patience, understanding, tolerance or courage? Am I willing to acknowledge the lack and accept it? And most importantly, am I willing to seek help?

The human race is the only one with the highest power of discrimination and awareness. We can discriminate between physiological and psychological changes, just like we can differentiate between the negative from the positive. Thus explaining the difference between how a human being spends his life as opposed to other living creatures. This also unveils the obvious truth that we are capable of impacting not only our own lives, but also the lives of future generations, through how we choose to live. Thus telling us, how precious life’s moments are, and how gracious one’s living ought to be.

Gracious living is chanced upon, only when one recognizes their innate passion. That which they were not only born to do, but also born with. Their uniqueness, their sole gifts, that they were endowed with when they set foot on the face of the earth. When one puts life into that very passion, no amount of hurdles or bondage discourages them. Their passion is fueling their zest to live life. Many a time also surfacing how, living moment to moment opens doors to enormous freedom.

Picture this: On a regular day, maybe while you’re bathing, you’re most likely also wondering how your child fared at the test in school, what fruits you need to pick up at the supermarket, how your presentation will go today, and a thousand such future thoughts! A future we’re not even certain of. But, ‘being present in the moment alone’, is sheer JOY. This becomes a natural part of us only through constant practice. When you give all of YOU without any distractions, to that one thing you’re engaged with… which could be as simple as eating, cooking, reading, talking, laughing or working, you are making a choice to give that activity YOUR VERY BEST!

When we start living in such awareness, we realize how much joy each endeavor of our day can give us. Harmony in our thoughts, feelings and actions is the key to passionate life. Initially, it may not come easily, but one must make a constant effort to stay at it. Gradually, as we master living in the present, we are soon able to attune ourselves to the inner voice; our true and forever guide. Confusions that earlier left us restless, in time, can be found fading away, thus making space for clarity. As a result, the goals, ambitions, get a new clarity, with a natural readiness to act spontaneously. The ultimate goal would be experiencing life moment to moment with complete awareness is truly living life to the fullest. Few strive to achieve this; very few may understand but may not act to achieve that state. While some find it silly or fancy and may not even bother to think on these lines. Where ever we are in this journey of life, the path is enjoyable, adventurous and with lots of scope to explore oneself and to design the journey they want to undertake.

Living life passionately is imbibed in us by creator’s design .

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